K. Male'
16 Jun 2017 | Fri 16:37
Former Parliamentarian for Ihavandhoo Constituency Ahmed Abdullah
Former Parliamentarian for Ihavandhoo Constituency Ahmed Abdullah
Crackdown on Politicians
Likely that Maumoon will be arrested: Ahmed Abdullah
Will do anything to stay in power
Citizens are determined to make reform movement a success
Will see positive changes from within the Parliament

Former Parliamentarian for Ihavandhoo Constituency Ahmed Abdullah says there was no way that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom can be arrested during the tenure of incumbent President Abdullah Yameen.

Speaking in Thursday night’s edition of ‘Fala Surukhee’ program, Ahmed Abdullah described the Yameen administration as autocratic and an administration that will do almost anything to stay in power. Therefore, it was not a far-off possibility that President Yameen would resort to arresting any opponents. He noted that President Yameen was governing unconstitutionally.

Ahmed Abdullah further noted that the crowd that welcomed President Maumoon on arrival in Male’ showed that public still supported the reform movement. He added that it was deeply embarrassing for MPs from ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), that Maumoon was welcomed by leaders of Maldivian Democratic Party, Jumhooree Party and Adhaalath Party.

The joint efforts of the opposition was a sign that there will be beneficial to the citizens.

He added the opposition will seek to revert the laws that were made that damaged the nation and ensure rights of public were upheld.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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