K. Male'
15 Jun 2017 | Thu 22:01
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Azmoon Ahmed
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb
Amnesty calls on Govt. to release ex-VP Adeeb for medicals
Govt. legally obliged to provide medical services to inmates
No differentiation between medical services for public, inmates
The former VP was sentenced to a total of 33 years in prison for a reported assassination attempt against President Abdulla Yameen and for his role in the heavily publicized case of graft involving th

Amnesty International has called on the Government of Maldives to immediately grant the imprisoned former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb permission to travel abroad to seek the medical care.

The statement released by Amnesty International reminded the Government that ‘failing to provide adequate medical care to prisoners is a violation of Maldives’ international human rights obligations’. It also noted that ‘“provision of health care for prisoners is a State responsibility” and that prisoners “should enjoy the same standards of health care that are available in the community” and without discrimination.

It also said that prisoners who require specialist treatment must be transferred to specialized institutions or outside hospitals when such treatment is not available in prison.

Amnesty noted that Adeeb’s repeated requests to be released for medical treatment had been ignored, at the expense of his deteriorating health.

Amnesty further raised questions on the impartiality of Adeeb’s trial.

‘Amnesty International raised serious concerns about the fairness of his trial, including over the use of anonymous witnesses and the fact that no defense witnesses were allowed to testify.’

A letter from the family expresses that the former vice president has been diagnosed with a number of illnesses since his incarceration in 2015.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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