K. Male'
04 Aug 2022 | Thu 14:40
US Agency for International Development (USAID) has granted Maldives USD 300,000
US Agency for International Development (USAID) has granted Maldives USD 300,000
USAID grants USD 300,000
USAID grants USD 300,000 to Maldives
The grant was awarded to Maldives under the USAID Maldives', Climate Adaptation activity
The grant totaling to USD 300,000 was awarded to SDFC and FJS Consulting

US Agency for International Development (USAID) has granted Maldives USD 300,000.

The grant was awarded to Maldives under the USAID Maldives', Climate Adaptation activity.

USAID works in partnership with the people of Maldives to increase prosperity, promote inclusive economic growth, and enhance the resilience of the country’s resources to shocks and stresses using a variety of approaches, projects, and partners.

The grant totaling to USD 300,000 was awarded to SME Development Finance Corporation and FJS Consulting to support climate resilience interventions in Maldives.

Through its Climate Change Adaptation activity, USAID helps build the capacity of the private sector, civil society, and government to respond and adapt to climate change in ways that contribute to sustained, inclusive, market-based growth.

Additionally, they also help identify and scale up innovative solutions to climate-related challenges, strengthen governance to address climate-related risks, and improve access to high-quality information for decision-making to reduce vulnerability to climate change.

USAID notes that this project is one component of the partnership between the U.S. and Maldives to support self-reliance, strengthen stability, and promote economic growth.

USAID’s program in Maldives, totals more than $20 million since 2001. These aids promotes a healthy, educated, and employed population.

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
1 year ago
What are the exact terms and conditions of this aid? In details please.