K. Male'
15 Jun 2017 | Thu 11:41
The committee decided to forego overseeing a a controversial case over the method of voting at a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh
The committee decided to forego overseeing a a controversial case over the method of voting at a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh
Parliament Watch
Parliamentary ethics committee decides not to oversee several cases
The committee decided to forego overseeing a a controversial case over the method of voting at a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh
The governments of Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and the European Union along with the United Nations had criticized the method of voting implemented for the no-confidence motion
The method of voting had garnered international attention, and prompted discontent among parliamentarians

The parliament’s Ethics Committee has decided not to oversee several cases filed with it, including a controversial case over the method of voting at a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

The method of voting had garnered international attention, and prompted discontent among parliamentarians.

The vote, which was broadcasted live on every station in the country, showed MP Moosa Manik – who had not been near his panel but presiding over the vote, MP Ahmed Mahloof – now serving a jail sentence, MP Ahmed Marzooq – who had not attended the sitting, to have voted via an electronic vote.

Clauses 164 and 165 of the constitution stipulates that roll call votes can only be taken if and when the electronic voting system is proven to not be functional. Otherwise vote must be taken using the electronic voting system.

The governments of Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and the European Union along with the United Nations had criticized the method of voting implemented for the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

The Maldivian government responded to this criticism late Tuesday saying that it "is confident that international partners would respect the democratic decisions of state institutions and

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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