K. Male'
14 Jun 2017 | Wed 23:22
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom speaks to the press after arriving in Malé on Wednesday, 14th June
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom speaks to the press after arriving in Malé on Wednesday, 14th June
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-President Maumoon's Arrival
Ex-President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom returns after three-month stay in Singapore
President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom arrived at the Vealna International Airport in capital city Malé at around 10:15 pm on Wednesday night
Gayoom left to Singapore on March 8th to visit his ill sister-in-law, Fareesha Ibrahim
Members of the opposition alliance and Gayoom's supporters had gathered at the airport and awaited his arrival

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has returned to capital city Malé after a three-month stay in Singapore.

The Singaporean Airlines flight both he and former First Lady Nasreena Ibrahim were on landed at the Velana International Airport at 10:10 pm on Wednesday night.

Members of the opposition alliance, including parliamentarians aligned with the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) who have withdrawn support for the government, had gathered at the airport and awaited his arrival.

This includes his opposition partners; Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim and Ibrahim Solih, the Maldivian Democratic Party’s parliamentary group leader.

Gayoom left to Singapore on March 8th to visit his ill sister-in-law, Fareesha Ibrahim. Fareesha succumbed to her dwindling health on March 30th. There were reports that his half-brother incumbent President Abdulla Yameen’s administration had pursued his arrest.

Gayoom responded to questions from the press over the matter, saying that ‘there is no punishment [he] fears, except that of Allah’.

He answered further questions about the current political situation in the Maldives by reiterating that Maldives’ isolation of Qatar is an unnecessarily reckless move and that the ruling PPM is his party.While dozens of supporters had gathered in capital city Malé where Gayoom’s speed boat was to dock, the police had cordoned off the area.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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