K. Male'
14 Jun 2017 | Wed 22:36
Donors and members of government had gathered at Rasfannu Beach for the Blood Donor's Evening.
Donors and members of government had gathered at Rasfannu Beach for the Blood Donor's Evening.
World Blood Donor Day
Keenness to donate blood is growing: Health Minister
Donors and members of government had gathered at Rasfannu Beach for the Blood Donor's Evening
Health Minister Ahmed Nazim said that state institutions would continue to support volunteer work for the cause
The Maldivian Blood Donors' Ibrahim Rasheed said that they would conduct a blood-drive once the month of Ramadan is over

Keenness to engage in blood donor work has grown in Maldivian society, Health Minister Ahmed Nazim has said.

At the Blood Donor’s Evening, held by the Maldivian Blood Donors, in commemoration of this year’s World Blood Donor’s Day, Minister Nazim said that the government has worked to increase awareness towards the cause.

He further said that there is room for further improvement in spreading awareness and encouraging volunteers to donate blood.

“Volunteer work for this effort is growing and state institutions will continue to attempt in supplementing this” Minister Nazim said.

The Maldivian Blood Donors’ deputy chair Ibrahim Rasheed said that the event was held to recognize the contribution made by local donors.

Rasheed said that the organization would hold a blood camp, a donation drive, once the ongoing month of Ramadan is over.

Those gathered at Rasfannu Beach, in Maafannu of Malé, had unleashed red balloons into the air mark the event.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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