K. Male'
11 Jun 2017 | Sun 15:43
Rain water accumulated on a roof, potential breeding ground for mosquitos
Rain water accumulated on a roof, potential breeding ground for mosquitos
Ashwa Faheem
Dengue fever
Over 500 tested positive for dengue: HPA
Sharp increase in dengue cases

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has reported that so far, this year 503 individuals had reported positive for dengue.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s ‘Khabaru Feetha’ program, HPA Public Health Program Manager Sanaa Saleem said that this was usually when reported dengue cases had increased annually. Therefore, she said the agency was had created awareness programs in health centers and health service providers.

Sanaa said 35 percent of patients are expatriates, highlighting the need for special awareness programs for this sector.

‘We’re working with Maldives Red Crescent to raise awareness among expatriate population,’ she said.

Sanaa added that individual responsibility was key in preventing the spread of dengue, appealing all to prevent mosquito breeding grounds.

Health Ministry Senior Public Health Program Officer Fathimath Rasheedha said dengue cases were most common in January, May, June, July and November.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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