K. Male'
11 Jun 2017 | Sun 17:16
MP Ali Hussain
MP Ali Hussain
People Megazine
Maldives – Qatar
Iran and Qatar are the sacrificial lambs by Maldives: MP Ali Hussain
Laws changed so foreigners can own land
Diplomatic ties with Iran severed in May 2016
Severed ties with Qatar on June 5th

Parliamentarian for Kendhoo Constituency Ali Hussain says the diplomatic ties with Iran and Qatar were slashed for ‘the alleged milns of dollars given to amend the constitution to allow land grabbing’.

The opposition allied MP described Iran and Qatar as ‘sacrificial lambs’ in a tweet posted.



The indicated land grabbing was facilitated following a constitutional amendment in 2015 that allowed foreigners to own land in the country.

Maldives severed ties with Iran in May 2016. Diplomatic ties with Qatar were severed on June 5th. Ties with Iran were severed citing that Iran was a hamper on peace for Gulf and Middle East regions. The proclamation issued in June stated that diplomatic ties with Qatar were cut as the nation supported terror groups.

MP Ali Hussain further said that the Qatari based Al Jazeera expose Stealing Paradise could also be another reason why Maldives severed ties with Qatar.



Stealing Paradise was an expose on the corruption of President Abdullah Yameen and then Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, using the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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