K. Male'
08 Jun 2017 | Thu 22:48
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
UN Human Rights Council
Deeply concerning that Maldives was on UNHRC agenda: MDP
Nations included on agenda due to gross violations of human rights
Govt. actions, situations monitored
Thirty nations supported statement released by UK

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) expressed concern over the inclusion of Maldives on the formal agenda of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), adding that inclusion on the agenda shows the level of degradation of human rights and values in the country.

A statement released by the Party said that nations are included in the agenda due to gross and absolute violations of human rights in that nation.

Once included in the agenda, the statement said that relevant bodies will begin to scrutinize the Government actions and encourage Government to fix the issues.
MDP said the statement read by UK and supported by 30 nations, clearly demonstrated the Government’s lack of commitment to uphold and protect the rights of the public in the Constitution and international convents, the rise of extremism and intimidation and restriction of civil and basic rights.

It also said that it was extremely irresponsible of the Government and institutions to label the efforts of family and friends of Ahmed Rilwan and Yameen Rasheed to find answers as ‘’politicizing”.

MDP further said that it was no sufficient for the Police and MNDF to claim they had no idea who were behind the murders and kidnapping, adding that they have to share information on those cases.

The statement concluded by expressing concern over the increasing politicization of independent institutions, that were Constitutionally charged with reforming the nation and institutions.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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