K. Male'
08 Jun 2017 | Thu 21:22
Adam Azim outside of Criminal Court on Thursday
Adam Azim outside of Criminal Court on Thursday
Crackdown on opposition
Azim’s arrest shows President Yameen does not want to revert to democracy: MDP
Azim arrested on allegations of organizing a coup
MPD condemned the arrest

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has condemned the arrest of former Managing Director of State Trading Organization (STO) Adam Azim, stating that this shows the administration of President Abdullah Yameen did not wish to revert to democracy and democratic principles.

MDP statement said the arrest was made on trumped up charges.  Notably, the arrest came not even 24 hours after UK and thirty other nations delivered a statement calling on the Maldives to ensure independence for the nation’s judiciary and institutions.

MDP had condemned the arrest, calling to release Azim immediately.

Azim, brother of former Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim, was arrested on allegations of organizing a coup, create mistrust and hate against the judiciary and spread false information in public.

In addition to MDP, Jumhooree Party had also called on the Government to release Azim. The opposition maintains that Azim was arrested to hamper the work he and the opposition were carrying out to free Nazim as well as the reform movement started by the opposition. Adhaalath Party said in a tweet that attacks of free speech and political expression must cease.

A joint statement made led by the United Kingdom at Wednesday’s session of the 35th United Nations Human Rights Council called on the Maldives to ensure independence of the judiciary, as well as other institutions. It had also called on the Government not to restrict free speech and allow political opponents to function.

The government of Maldives said that UK-led statement on the situation in the country “is unwarranted and unconstructive”. In her response to the statement, Maldives representative at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Dr. Hala Hameed noted that the statement “is unwarranted and unconstructive, misrepresenting the reality in the Maldives and unduly attempting to affect domestic politics in the country”, adding that it was deeply concerning that this pattern was repeating.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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