K. Male'
07 Jun 2017 | Wed 16:16
Members of the Health Protection Agency at a press conference
Members of the Health Protection Agency at a press conference
Health Protection Agency
HPA makes flu shots available to the public
The shots are available at pharmacies throughout the capital and at Dhamana Veshi
The HPA said that it advises everyone travelling to Mecca to have the flu shots administered

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has made flu shots available to the general public, especially to those who will leave to Mecca, Saudi Arabia this year.

The HPA said that it advises everyone travelling to Mecca to have the flu shots administered.

The shots are available at pharmacies throughout the capital and at Dhamana Veshi, a health center operated by the HPA.

Maldives had recently had an outbreak of H1N1 that killed six and hospitalized several.





Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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