K. Male'
06 Jun 2017 | Tue 02:24
Rescue Officers who began their search on Monday, 5th June, will continue their search throughout the night
Rescue Officers who began their search on Monday, 5th June, will continue their search throughout the night
Lost at Sea
MNDF unable to confirm reports that dinghy had capsized
The MNDF said that they cannot confirm the statements claiming that the vessel had capsized
Rescue officers will continue their search for Corporal Sumaidh throughout the night
There were three Maldivians onboard, two of whom had managed to swim to the nearby Shangri-La Island Resort

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has on Monday said that it cannot confirm that the dinghy, from where a police officer has gone missing, had capsized.  
While it was previously reported that Corporal Mohamed Sumaidh had gone missing after the dinghy he and two others used to go on a fishing venture off of Addu City had capsized, the MNDF has said that they are unable to confirm this.

“The capsizing has not been confirmed by the investigation tream as the belongings and other objects have been found intact onboard the vessel” the MNDF said. 

Rescue Officers, who began their search on Monday and will continue their search throughout the night. The police have ceased their search for the night. 

There were three Maldivians onboard, two of whom had managed to swim to the nearby Shangri-La Island Resort. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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