K. Male'
03 Jun 2017 | Sat 00:35
President Yameen Abdul Gayoom
President Yameen Abdul Gayoom
Presidents Office
Maldives expresses disappointment over US withdrawal from Paris climate accord
The Foreign Ministry released a statement on Friday representing the Maldives in its capacity as chair of AOSIS
The Foreign Ministry had commended other nations for its commitment to the agreement, naming Brazil and India
Friday's statement had reassured Maldives' commitment to fighting rising global temperatures

The Maldivian government has expressed its disappointed over the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

The Foreign Ministry released a statement on Friday, representing the Maldives in its capacity as chair of AOSIS (Alliance of Small Island States), where it said that United States of America had effectively abdicated responsibility on the issue of combating climate change.

“Not only does it represent a blow to the global efforts against climate change, it is also a setback for the multilateral process that is essential for governing the international community” the government’s statement said.

The Foreign Ministry had commended other nations for its commitment to the agreement, naming Brazil and India.

On Friday, Maldives also reiterated its commitment to the cause.

“The Maldives will continue its historic role as the voice of nations most vulnerable to climate change and work with all partners, new and old, to realize the promise of a clean energy economy and healthy planet” the statement continued.

President Donald Trump announced the White House’s decision on Thursday, citing economic concerns such as loss of jobs if the agreement is enforced in the federal republic.

The Paris agreement intends to bind the 195 nations that signed it into battling rising global temperatures.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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