K. Male'
31 May 2017 | Wed 13:31
Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee at a press conference
Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee at a press conference
Azmoon Ahmed
Fisheries Ministry Audit
Fisheries Ministry conducted tender-less transactions of over MVR 2 million
The Fisheries Ministry had financed projects that cost over MVR 2 million without submitting it to the Tender Board
This was revealed in a compliance audit conducted by the office for 2016
The audit also noted discrepancies in the ministry’s list of tangible assets and a failure to adequately produce financial reports

The Fisheries Ministry had financed projects that cost over MVR 2 million without submitting it to the Tender Board, the Auditor General’s Office has found. 

This was revealed in a compliance audit conducted by the office for 2016. 

The Auditor General’s Office found that the Fisheries Ministry had spent 2.7 million on consistently supplying equipment for oevaali fishing under a long-term contract. 

The Finance Ministry’s fiscal regulations dictate that any projects that costs over 1.5 million must be submitted to the Tender Board, and then put forward to bidding after tenders have been acquired.

The audit also noted discrepancies in the ministry’s list of tangible assets and a failure to adequately produce financial reports. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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