K. Male'
30 May 2017 | Tue 23:16
Members of the Commission at their oathing ceremony at the President's Office
Members of the Commission at their oathing ceremony at the President's Office
Presidents Office
Audit Report
Audit finds considerable discrepancy in Broadcasting Commission's list of tangible goods
The audit found a difference of MVR 133,000 between their listed intangible goods and those in their actual possession
The financial regulations dictate that all assets, procured through the ministry-allocated budget or as gifts
The audit has not found any other discrepancies in the commission’s financial reports

An audit of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission has found a difference of MVR 133,000 between their listed intangible goods and those in their actual possession.

The audit, which analyzed the commission’s financial reports for 2016, stated that because there are more tangible goods, like furniture and stationary equipment, auditors cannot reconciliate the commission’s assets.

The Auditor General’s office has asked the Broadcasting Commission to update their lists and draft another fiscal report.

The financial regulations dictate that all assets, procured through the ministry-allocated budget or as gifts.

The audit has not found any other discrepancies in the commission’s financial reports.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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