K. Male'
30 May 2017 | Tue 13:28
From the protest held in Laamu Gan over blackouts in the island
From the protest held in Laamu Gan over blackouts in the island
Electricity services
Citizens of Laamu Gan protest regular blackouts
Had called for a solution to the issue
Frequent blackouts at every 30 minutes

The citizens of Laamu Gan Island have held a protest over the frequent blackouts in the island, calling for a resolution to the issue.

The peaceful protest was held in front of the Council Secretariat offices.

Speaking to Raajje.mv, newly elected Councilor, Abdullah Shareef said that blackouts were most common in the newly populated areas of Gamu Thun’di area and that this was a peaceful protest. He added that the blackouts have been occurring for the past two months.

No statement had been issued by FENAKA Corporation regarding the issue.

A protester reported to Raajje.mv, that blackouts occurred as frequently as every 30 minutes in some areas, adding that this had been brought to the attention of the FENAKA officials in the island.



The protester also said the FENAKA officials had said they were seeking a solution but none had been found for the past two months.

The protest that began in front of Gamu Council Secretariat offices, concluded after carrying out the protest on main roads of the ward.

The protesters had called on FENAKA Corporation to hand over the power houses to Gamu Council if they were unable to provide the service in a sustainable manner.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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