K. Male'
28 May 2017 | Sun 19:01
From the ceremony held to inaugurate the 8.9MW Generator
From the ceremony held to inaugurate the 8.9MW Generator
Power outages
Sunday’s power outages occurred after the new generators shut down: STELCO
Other generators shut down as well
Shut down due to technical issues
Power came back at around 4.45am

State Electric Company Ltd (STELCO) said that the power outages of Sunday morning were caused after the eight megawatt generators, which were newly incorporated to the power grid, shut down.

STELCO Director Ibrahim Rauf said the new generators shut down due to a technical issue, but had not elaborated on specifics.

Power went out around 2.00am Sunday and resumed at around 4.45am.

Rauf added that power outages were expected as some generators were being tested as well.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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