K. Male'
26 May 2017 | Fri 11:11
President Abdulla Yameen during his arrival in Riyadh for a summit, where he had met US President Donald Trump
President Abdulla Yameen during his arrival in Riyadh for a summit, where he had met US President Donald Trump
Presidents Office
Trump's 'America first' policy drastically cuts aid to Maldives
While the US had previously provided Maldives with an average of USD 3.3 million every year, this amount has been slashed by at least 86 percent
The US has cut foreign-aid, as per the internal budget proposed in March
The budget further proposes to cuts in funding for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

The United States of America has drastically cut its aid to the Maldives as part of President Donald Trump’s vow to put ‘America first’.

While the US had previously provided Maldives with an average of USD 3.3 million every year, this amount has been slashed by at least 86 percent – with the Trump Administration now providing only USD 440,000.

The US has cut foreign-aid, as per the internal budget proposed in March, to Sri Lanka as well. While the neighbouring island nation had previously received 42.5 million, it shall now receive roughly 3.3 million. 

Bangladesh, which had previously received 210 million from the US, will now receive 138 million. 

The budget further proposes to cuts in funding for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which would force the organization to close regional offices, according to American media outlets,

While the foreign-aid cuts would reportedly lead to allocating funds toward programs tied closely to national security objectives, there have been reports that the Trump administration intends to merge USAID with the State Department. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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