K. Male'
25 May 2017 | Thu 14:46
he contract was signed between Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim and the Manager of Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Corporation on Wednesday
he contract was signed between Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim and the Manager of Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Corporation on Wednesday
Environment Ministry
Maldives Toward Sustainability
Chinese energy company to build Solar-Diesel systems in Haa Dhaal Atoll
Changzhou Trina will construct thirteen hybrid power plants – fed by 2.27 MW photo-voltaic systems - in 13 islands of the atoll
The USD 9.9 million project is funded by a loan from the Asian Development Bank
This project is part of the government’s bid to have solar energy fed gensets in use throughout the Maldives

The Environment Ministry has signed an agreement to have Solar-Diesel Hybrid power system established in all inhabited islands of Haa Dhaal Atoll, as part of the government’s bid to have solar energy fed gensets in use throughout the Maldives.

The contract was signed between Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim and the Manager of Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Corporation, Frank Qi.

Changzhou Trina will construct thirteen hybrid power plants – fed by 2.27 MW photo-voltaic systems - in 13 islands of the atoll, establishing 14 generators powered by 47.35 KM automatic synchronizing cables.

The USD 9.9 million project is funded by a loan from the Asian Development Bank.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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