K. Male'
25 May 2017 | Thu 13:27
The Hajj Corporation signed the agreement with IGMH on Wednesday
The Hajj Corporation signed the agreement with IGMH on Wednesday
Hajj Corporation-IGMH
Hajj Corporation signs medical screening contract with IGMH
The hospital would oversee all medical concerns for the corporation’s pilgrims, including a comprehensive medical screening ahead of their flights to Mecca, Saudi Arabia
IGMH’s doctors and officials will soon begin conducting said screenings and administering relevant vaccinations
Hajj agencies have filed a case at the Anti-Corruption Commission alleging favouritism in the Islamic Ministry’s reviewing process in licensing them

The Maldives Hajj Corporation has signed an agreement with the state-operated Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) that would ensure medical screening for their pilgrims. 

The Hajj Corporation’s Managing Director, Yameen Idris, said the hospital would oversee all medical concerns for the corporation’s pilgrims, including a comprehensive medical screening ahead of their flights to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

IGMH’s doctors and officials will soon begin conducting said screenings and administering relevant vaccinations, Idris said. 

The Hajj Corporation has opened opportunity for interested parties to accumulate funds for their pilgrimage this year. As such, they will assist potential pilgrims in travelling to parts of the Middle East. 

Sixteen Hajj agencies had submitted proposals this year, of which six were licensed. The licenses were given based on points assigned after the Islamic Ministry reviewed the proposals.

The state operated Maldives Hajj Corporation was given permission to carry 50 percent of the 1,000-pilgrim quota assigned to the country. The remaining five companies were licensed to carry 100 pilgrims each.

Agencies have filed a case at the Anti-Corruption Commission alleging favouritism in the Islamic Ministry’s reviewing process. The Commission has asked that gathering funds from pilgrims that will embark to Mecca this year be halted until the investigation is conducted. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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