K. Male'
24 May 2017 | Wed 21:30
Abdul Aleem with President Maumoon
Abdul Aleem with President Maumoon
Bribery allegations
Aleem questioned over bribery allegations in connection to no confidence vote
Questioned over bribes, influencing Parliamentarians
Questioned whether he had stored the cash at residence
Previously investigated on same claims

The Secretary General of the breakaway faction of Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), Abdul Aleem Adam has been questioned over allegations of attempting to bribe and influence Parliamentarians in connection to the vote of no confidence on Parliament Deputy Speaker Moosa Manik.

Aleem was summoned to Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Wednesday morning to respond to the allegations.

Aleem reported that he had been questioned whether he had offered any bribes in order to sway the vote or whether he had assigned the task of distributing funds to any other individuals or whether he had stored the cash in his residence.

Responding to the allegations, Aleem had denied all of them. He added that he had not asked anyone to distribute funds, stored any cash in his residence and added that if such an allegation had been raised, then it was an untrue accusation.

Previously, MPS had confiscated Aleem’s phone to find evidence on similar charges.

The questioning resumed after a break, just days after the Parliament announced that Parliament sessions will resume on June 6th.

The opposition had claimed that they will refile the no confidence motions on Speaker and Deputy Speaker once sessions reconvene.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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