K. Male'
22 May 2017 | Mon 12:59
MP Ali Nizar at RaajjeTV's studio on Sunday, 21st May, 2017
MP Ali Nizar at RaajjeTV's studio on Sunday, 21st May, 2017
Opposition Expression
Number of government-aligned politicians dropping significantly: MP Ali Nizar
MP Ali Nizar said that support for the government has been diminishing due to recent tactics and politics – including strong arming political rivals
The parliamentarian further said that the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives has lost its majority in parliament

The results of the Local Council Elections, which were in favour of the opposition, show politicians currently aligned with the government that they should withdraw support for President Abdulla Yameen, MP Ali Nizar has said.

MP Ali Nizar said at a talk-show on RaajjeTV on Sunday night that support for the government has been diminishing due to recent tactics and politics – including strong arming political rivals. 

“Any politician that truly gives the future of this country, or even his career any thought, is not going to side with President Yameen in the 2018 elections” Nizar said. 

The parliamentarian further said that the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), which holds the most number of seats in parliament, has lost its position. 

MP Nizar said that the parliament’s early recess is indicative of how the parliament is at a stalemate and that government-sponsored bills are no longer guaranteed to pass. 

He added that the general public do not acknowledge improvements in urban infrastructure to be development, and that the government needs to employ different tactics if it hopes to win the support of the people. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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