K. Male'
22 May 2017 | Mon 05:54
The six journalists at RaajjeTV charged with cases from the Media Council
The six journalists at RaajjeTV charged with cases from the Media Council
Defamation Bill
Cases filed against six journalists at RaajjeTV for defaming First Lady
Two separate cases filed against two journalists
Cases filed by President’s Office
Cases filed over articles, reports written by journalists

Cases have been filed against six journalists at RaajjeTV for allegedly defaming First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim.

The cases were filed individually by Chief Communications Officer at President’s Office, against journalists Ali Yoosuf, Ahmed Muhsin, Mohamed Fazeen, Azmoon Ahmed, Mohamed Visam and Abdullah Naseer Ibrahim. Two cases have been filed against both Azmoon and Fazeen.

RaajjeTV’s News Director Ali Yoosuf was charged with defamation over a report written on the topic of increasing influence of the First Lady. Assistant Editor Ahmed Muhsin was charged with a report written on whether First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim could become a second Ahmed Adeeb, who was a former Vice President.

Assistant News Director Abdullah Naseer Ibrahim was charged with a report he had written over the parallels between Queen Khadija, a former monarch, and the incumbent First Lady.

Assistant Editor Azmoon Ahmed was charged with an article written on the donation made by state owned FENAKA to an exhibition organized by the First Lady. A second case was filed over a report he had written on the various undertakings of the First Lady.

A case was filed against Assistant Video Journalist Mohamed Fazeen over a report written on the participation of Ministers in the events organized by First Lady. Additionally, a case was also filed against Fazeen for an article written on forcing the civil servants to greet the First Lady on arrival in Vilingili island of Gaaf Alif Atoll.

Senior Video Journalist Mohamed Visam was charged over an article he had written on a statement given by Galolhu South Parliamentarian Ahmed Mahloof regarding the state of those who fail to whole heartedly obey First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim.

Even though the cases were filed separately, the summary of all the cases were that the articles and the reports contained content that had defamed the First Lady.

A period of seven days has been granted to the journalists to respond to the cases.


Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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