K. Male'
22 May 2017 | Mon 04:41
President Abdullah Yameen at the Arab, Islamic, American Summit
President Abdullah Yameen at the Arab, Islamic, American Summit
Arab, Islamic, American Summit
President Yameen fails to deliver address at Summit
President’s Office previously announced that President will deliver an address
President Yameen attended the Summit
Attention focused on President Trump’s address

Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud has concluded the Arab, Islamic, American Summit. President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom did not give an address to the Summit, in spite of President’s Office announcement that he will deliver an address.

The President’s visit to Saudi Arabia is on the invitation of the monarch. In a blurb posted on the President’s Office on Saturday, announced the visit and said that President Yameen will deliver an address on Sunday evening.

State media, Public Service Media also made the same statement in a tweet posted in Dhivehi as well, adding that it will be broadcast live on the channel.



Saudi authorities say that leaders of 55 nations will take part in the Summit. The entire Summit was broadcast live. President Yameen and his delegation were seen in this live broadcast.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud presided over the Summit, in which many leaders of nations gave their respective addresses. Chief among them was the address given by US President Donald Trump.

In his opening address, the Saudi monarch focused on terrorism, extremism and praised US assistance in the efforts against terrorism and extremism.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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