K. Male'
18 May 2017 | Thu 21:27
Ahmed Faris Maumoon speaking in MDP headquarters on Wednesday
Ahmed Faris Maumoon speaking in MDP headquarters on Wednesday
Opposition movement
MP Faris thanks MDP for giving a platform to the son of an ex-Pres.
Boundaries will be there even if there are differing political views
Politically self-sufficient now
PPM members voted for MDP in Council Elections for the sake of nation

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s son Ahmed Faris Maumoon has thanked opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) for giving him an opportunity to speak from an MDP platform.

Faris, who also serves as Parliamentarian for Dhiggaru Constituency, thanked MDP speaking in Wednesday night’s rally held in MDP headquarters.

Speaking in the rally, MP Faris said that there were certain things one had to do as a politician but there will always be limitations. As such, he pointed out that the political field was a turbulent one and subject to change. He added that he believed that he was now politically self-sufficient.

Faris thanked MDP for giving him a chance to speak on the Party’s platform.

He added that many had tried to obtain the Party tickets of Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) to no avail. Even though some had earned tickets, general members of PPM had voted for MDP candidates for the sake of the nation.

MP Faris said that good news was expected when the Parliament opened after the break.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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