K. Male'
17 May 2017 | Wed 16:18
Yameen Rasheed was brutally murdered on the 23rd of April
Yameen Rasheed was brutally murdered on the 23rd of April
Yameen Rasheed's Murder
RaajjeMV apologizes for publishing image of Yameen Rasheed
RaajjeMV published an already circulating photo of murdered writer Yameen Rasheed’s lifeless body, with a feature report on Monday
RaajjeMV said it had published the photo in order to convey the brutality of the murder and the threat the attackers present
The photograph vividly shows multiple stab wounds on his chest and neck

RaajjeMV has apologized for publishing an already circulating photo of murdered writer Yameen Rasheed’s lifeless body. 

In a statement on Tuesday, the newspaper said that it had attached the photo, which vividly showed multiple stab wounds on his chest and neck, in order to convey the brutality of the murder and the threat the attackers present. 

“If we are to look at such incidents in the past, images of Evan Naseem’s murdered body at the hands of prison guards were not circulated for purposes of bringing distress to his family. It was to illustrate the treatment and torture prisoners were subject to at the time” the statement said.

RaajjeMV had further referred to the fact that graphic images are published in international media organizations in order to create a more detailed story to say that it had published the photo with no other purpose than to enlighten the general public about the situation in the country. 

“It was intended to make the public aware of the extreme lengths the attackers had gone to, and to pressure the investigation into the murder. There was no other purpose. However, due to the distressing sentiments it had aroused, RaajjeMV profusely apologizes to Yameen Rasheed’s family and our readers” the statement continued. 

RaajjeMV had noted the contributions it has made to reporting on the murder, including a timeline of the attack compiled through observation of CCTV footage from cameras around Yameen’s home, to reiterate its commitment to unwaveringly report the truth and pursue the case. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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