K. Male'
16 May 2017 | Tue 21:29
2 Suspects in Blogger and Activist Yaamyn Rasheed's Murder
2 Suspects in Blogger and Activist Yaamyn Rasheed's Murder
Yameen Rasheed murder case
13 days set as remand for first individual arrested in Yameen’s murder
First arrested on the 1st of this month
Residence searched, evidence taken
Seven arrested in total

Criminal Court has set an additional 13 days as remand for the first individual arrested in connection to the murder of social media activist Yameen Rasheed.

Eighteen year old Mohamed Dhifran was the first individual arrested. He was arrested on the 1st of this month.

Following his arrest, Police had searched his residence Maafannu Afsaanaage, under a court order. Afsaanaage is located near Yameen’s residence, Maafannu Spatula. The residence was searched while Dhifran was present. Several items were removed from the residence as evidence, including a cap.

An additional six individuals were arrested as well. Criminal Court had set 15 days for each of the arrested individuals. Police had confirmed two out of the seven individuals arrested were actively involved in carrying out the murder.

Additionally, the defense lawyer for these individuals had also been arrested on obstruction charges.

Yameen was murdered on the 22nd of last month in the stairwell of his residence.

Police had expressed confidence that they will be able to bring the murderers to justice.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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