K. Male'
16 May 2017 | Tue 20:00
Lawyer Ali Shah
Lawyer Ali Shah
Yameen Rasheed murder
Defense lawyer transferred to house arrest
Shah transferred home for five days
Shah is the lawyer of those arrested in connection to case
Police had not revealed how investigation was obstructed

The lawyer arrested on charges of obstructing the investigation into the murder of prominent blogger and social media activist Yameen Rasheed, has been transferred to house arrest.

A tweet, posted in Dhivehi by Police on Sunday night, confirmed that lawyer Ali Shah had been transferred to house arrest for five days, as per the remand hearings carried out by Criminal Court.

Raajje.mv understands that Shah is the defense lawyer for those arrested in connection to the murder of Yameen Rasheedh. Shah had previously taken on high profile cases as well.

So far seven have been arrested in connection to the murder, with the Police refusing to divulge their names. However, Police had confirmed that two of those actively involved in the murder had been arrested.



Yameen Rasheed was murdered on April 22nd, in the stairwell of his home.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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