K. Male'
16 May 2017 | Tue 14:12
MP Faris Maumoon speaking to the press during the no-confidence motion against the parliament speaker on March 27, 2017
MP Faris Maumoon speaking to the press during the no-confidence motion against the parliament speaker on March 27, 2017
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MOP Faris Maumoon
MDP condemns travel ban on MP Faris Maumoon
MP Faris Maumoon's passport had been confiscated by customs officials under a court order
MDP called on the state to withdraw the travel ban
MP Faris had been at the airport to fly to Bengaluru, India to visit a sickly family member

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has condemned the travel ban imposed against MP Faris Maumoon. 

In a statement in response to the Criminal Court order that confiscated his passport, MDP called on the state to withdraw the travel ban.

Faris Maumoon, the son of former longstanding president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, had reportedly gone to the airport ready to fly to Bengaluru, India, when customs officials confiscated his airport under a court order. 

The statement further said that MP Faris had been not informed of the travel ban by any state institutions or the judiciary, adding that the parliamentarian was on his way to visit a sickly family member. 

“This government, faced with loss of political capital and rendered too weak to compete against anyone, aims to uphold its tyrannical regime. It aims to cripple political rivals, besiege the parliament, and rob citizens of their constitutional rights” the statement said.

The statement called on the authorities to end its ‘harassment’ of individuals and refrain from acts that are detrimental to constitutional liberties. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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