K. Male'
15 May 2017 | Mon 13:12
President Yameen 2018
Re-election confirmed for President Yameen, no need for extra effort: Ali Mauroof
Cannot overthrow or change the Govt.
Re-election completely assured for President
Cannot impeach Ministers

Kendhikulhudhoo Constituency Parliamentarian Ali Mauroof has claimed that re-election for President Yameen was confirmed and as such, there was not much need for serious effort.

He made the statement speaking in the series of rallies held in MDA headquarters, which were begun after the humiliating defeat at the Local Council Elections.

Speaking in Sunday night’s rally, Mauroof said that it was futile for the opposition to attempt to even change the Government, in spite of the opposition’s attempts to do so.

“This Government cannot be overthrown, cannot be changed. Cannot remove, change a Minister of this Government,” he said, in response to the reports that impeachment processes have been launched for Ministers.

Mauroof said that in 2013, the citizens elected President Abdullah Yameen to address the issues of this nation, which had been addressed to by the President. He had made the claim that President Yameen had brought in paradigm shifts to the education sector in the past three years, the likes which had not been seen in 800 years.

Mauroof added that during President Mohamed Nasheed’s tenure, the focus was on creating youth who had loitered on the streets.

Mauroof had awarded an A status for the services of the past three years, adding that due to this, re-election in 2018 was confirmed. Therefore, he said there was no need to put in extra effort for re-election.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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