K. Male'
11 May 2017 | Thu 13:19
Nolhivaram Constituency Parliamentarian Hussain Areef
Nolhivaram Constituency Parliamentarian Hussain Areef
Opposition MP
President Yameen will not be part of the big picture: Areef
Will defeat President Yameen with a vast majority
Will hold rallies anywhere possible
Called on all not to remain as spectators

Nolhivaram constituency MP Hussain Areef has claimed that the joint opposition will defeat President Abdullah Yameen in the upcoming Presidential Elections, adding that he will not be part of the bigger picture.

He made the statement speaking in the joint opposition rally held in the opposition Maldivian Democratric Party (MDP) headquarters on Wednesday night.

Areef likened the actions of the government to that of the behavior of pigs. Elaborating this, Areef said the Government consistently changed their view on core policies such as Aasandha.

Areef added that President Yameen must alleviate himself of the notion that he can win 2018 by thieving the public under the name of taxation. He announced that the opposition will defeat President Yameen by an overwhelming majority and erase Yameen from the bigger picture.

Areef noted that almost all citizens faced difficulties due to President Yameen and called on all, especially the parliamentarians with PPM, to band with the opposition movement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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