BML to open for services on June 18
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Ooredoo reopens registration for Laamu Fun Run due to popular demand
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SIMDI Tech expands portfolio as authorized distributor of Lenovo in Maldives
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Ooredoo launches exciting campaign for Euro 2024
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BML establishes USD ATM in K. Maafushi
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Monin Cup 2024: SIMDI Group announces top 15 participants
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BML expands services at K. Maafushi branch
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Number of operational tourist facilities drops to 1,193
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Ooredoo crowned ‘Small Markets Telco’ at prestigious Twimbit Awards
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Chance to win MVR 25,000 by applying for a BML Islamic Credit Card!
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Strong customer loyalty drives BML’s robust financial performance: Stumke
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BML shareholders to receive record dividend payout
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BML Islamic launches first-ever Shari'ah compliant credit card
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Ooredoo renews ambassadorship with Maziya for fifth consecutive year
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1,199 tourist facilities currently operational nationwide
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BML introduces ‘Bank Fund’ to support community initiatives
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Ooredoo unveils Saudi passport; the ultimate roaming SIM for Hajj pilgrims
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BML renews partnership with Maldives Surfing Association
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BML expands acceptance of WeChat Pay
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1,193 tourist facilities currently operational nationwide
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