K. Male'
02 Aug 2024 | Fri 16:22
Protestors against towing of vehicles in Malé City
Protestors against towing of vehicles in Malé City
Transport minister's resignation
Infuriated public demands transport minister’s resignation in Malé City rally
Some of the vehicles were being towed without notifying the owners
In the towing process vehicles are left severely damaged
Rally-goers claimed the government is out to "destroy" the taxi community

Infuriated members of the public have taken to the streets of the capital, Malé City, demanding for the resignation of Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Mohamed Ameen.

The protestors gathered on the streets after sundown on Thursday, expressing their dissatisfaction over the large number of vehicles being towed from the city’s roads and claimed that the government is towing the vehicles without even giving the people a chance to remove them.

Those who voiced their displeasure over the way the government is handling vehicles on the streets, included taxi drivers, members of the racing community and members of the general public.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, rally-goers asserted that the government was towing vehicles without providing any parking spaces.

Further, they stressed that some of the vehicles were being towed without notifying them and that in the towing process, their vehicles are left severely damaged.

A protestor noted that authorities are towing vehicles and destroyed expensive property in the process.

Protestors noted that the many promises the incumbent president made to the public before coming into power included providing adequate parking zones, constructing a parking building and making it possible for vehicles to be registered without a garage city.

Stressing that none of these promises have been fulfilled, rally-goers noted that the vehicles of the youth community are being towed using forklifts, without even creating an adequate environment for driving on the roads or paving the path for a garage city.

The protesters highlighted that the government should take to the streets in the name of resolving issues only after coming up with good, concrete policies.

In addition to this, they expressed their disappointment over the government’s move regarding the taxi service. They claim that it was an attempt by the incumbent administration to “destroy” the taxi community.

Rally-goers claimed that if their concerns are not addressed and the authorities do not stop damaging the people’s property, they would continue to protest without halting.

Last updated at: 2 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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