K. Male'
25 Aug 2023 | Fri 12:42
Male' City
Male' City
Weather predicted for the weekend
Southern atolls to experience scattered showers this weekend
Apart from a few showers, generally fine weather is expected
Seas are expected to be slight in northern atolls and moderate elsewhere
Islands across central and northern Maldives will experience generally fine weather on Friday

Southern atolls are expected to experience scattered showers this weekend, says the Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS).

The department revealed that islands in northern atolls are expected to experience generally fine weather on Friday. On Saturday, the weather will be slightly cloudy in northern atolls according to MMS.

Islands across central Maldives will experience generally fine weather on Friday. On Saturday, it will be slightly cloudy in central atolls.

Scattered rain showers have been predicted to prevail across islands of southern atolls over the course of the weekend.

The department revealed that apart from a few showers, generally fine weather is expected to prevail across the country.

MMS revealed that winds will be west to northwesterly at 5 – 15 miles per hour in northern atolls and southwest to westerly at 7 – 17 miles per hour across the country.

MMS went on to reveal that seas are expected to be slight in northern atolls and moderate throughout southern and central atolls. The wave height is expected to be 2 – 5 feet.

Although tides were recorded as high as 1.7 feet in the early hours of Friday, it is expected to drop as low as -0.2 feet after sundown in the northern atolls. It will rise to 1.7 feet by Saturday afternoon.

Central atolls experienced tides rising as high as 1.7 feet on Friday morning, dropping to 1.6 feet later in the afternoon and dropping lower to 0.2 feet in the early hours of Saturday, and is expected to rise to 1.7 feet on Saturday morning.

The department revealed that southern atolls will experience tides rising from 0.4 feet to two feet on Friday morning, falling to 1.8 feet by sundown and ascending to 1.9 feet by Saturday morning before dropping to 1.5 feet after sundown.

Last updated at: 9 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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