K. Male'
09 May 2017 | Tue 17:24
Police have arrested four more suspects in relation to Yameen Rasheed's murder
Police have arrested four more suspects in relation to Yameen Rasheed's murder
Yameen Rasheed's Murder
Four more suspects arrested over Yameen's murder
Yameen Rasheed was stabbed to death in a brutal attack, early morning on the 23rd of April
Police had previously arrested two individuals in relation to the murder
Yameen's family has said that they do not trust the police, as they had failed to protect his life despite the multiple death threats he had reported

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has arrested four more suspects in connection to the murder of writer and pro-democracy activist Yameen Rasheed.

However, police declined to confirm or deny the arrests.

Police had previously arrested two individuals in relation to Yameen’s murder.

The first arrest was made on May 1. Mohamed Dhifran, 25, had been missing since dawn prayer that day, and was later escorted home by police officers, which was searched in his presence. A second arrest was made two days later on May 3. RaajjeMV understands that the second suspect apprehended was employed at a state office.

Police is yet to confirm any of the arrests, but the court order to search Dhifran’s residence noted that it was searched in relation to the police investigation into Yameen’s murder. Dhifran’s home is located near Yameen’s residence, Maafannu Spatula, where he was attacked.

Police had, on April 25, revealed that they had identified those responsible for Yameen’s murder, even releasing screen captures of the suspects taken from CCTV footage inside and outside Spatula. However, on April 30, police contradicted its own claim, saying that the attackers were unidentifiable as they had been wearing disguises.

Yameen’s family is seeking an international and independent investigation into the murder, especially as Maldives’ police had been negligent in his murder, by failing to protect his life despite the multiple death threats he had reported.

His family has also filed a case at the Civil Court, seeking to prove police negligence in the murder.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Fairooz
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