K. Male'
08 May 2017 | Mon 18:23
Macron defeated opponent Marine Le Pen on Sunday, taking 66% of the votes to Le Pen’s 34%
Macron defeated opponent Marine Le Pen on Sunday, taking 66% of the votes to Le Pen’s 34%
French Election
Maldives congratulates France's new president Emmanuel Macron
Macron defeated opponent Marine Le Pen on Sunday, taking 66% of the votes to Le Pen’s 34%
President Yameen wished him success in his new challenging assignment
Ex-President Nasheed said that Macron's win shows that the principles of fraternity have won over those of division in France

President Abdulla Yameen has congratulated Emmanuel Macron on his victory in France’s presidential election on Sunday, becoming France’s youngest-ever president.

In his message to the President-elect of France, the President wished Macron success in the “new challenging assignment”.

Furthermore, President Yameen noted that this year marks the 46th anniversary since the Maldives and France established diplomatic relations, adding that he hopes that it will “continue to flourish” during Macron’s five-year term in office “especially on the advancement of global interests common to [both] countries, such as climate change and counter-terrorism”.


Ex-President Nasheed's message

Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron wins first round of French presidential election held on April 23

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has also congratulated Macron.

In a tweet sent out on Monday, the exiled former President said that Macron’s win shows that “the principles of fraternity have won over those of division”.

The 39-year-old defeated opponent Marine Le Pen on Sunday, taking 66% of the votes to Le Pen’s 34%. Addressing his supporters in the grand courtyard of the Lourve after his win, Macron said he would defend France and Europe, and promised to unite a divided and fractured France, saying “I will do everything to make sure you never have a reason again to vote for extremes”.

World leaders including Theresa May, Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau have congratulated Macron as well.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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