K. Male'
03 May 2017 | Wed 01:27
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom with his half-brother, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom with his half-brother, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen
Government VS Opposition
The people do not have to beg a government, will not send in anymore requests: Ex-Pres
President Yameen had said that he is willing to amend the Constitution to free certain prisoners, if all opposition leaders send in letters requesting to do so
Opposition leaders formed a coalition in March, agreeing to work together to reform government
President Maumoon said that he is still waiting for a response to his previous letters, and as such he does not believe he has to send in anymore "no matter who requests so"

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has responded to President Abdulla Yameen’s call to opposition leaders, challenging them to ‘send in letters requesting to bring changes to the Constitution to free certain prisoners’.

In a statement released on Tuesday, former President Maumoon said that he does not believe that he has to send a letter to any individual, seeking to free a certain individual, or to stop the steps being taken against an individual as part of a revenge plan.

“I have repeatedly called to stop these unlawful acts that go against Islam and basic democratic principles. This can be seen through the letters I have sent, my statements and my speeches. This includes; immediately freeing all political prisoners; stop arresting opposition leaders and parliamentarians against regulations and conducting trials against them; and to ensure that all individuals are given the right to a fair trial,” said the former President.

Noting that he has yet to get a response for the said letters, or a sign that these important matters are being deliberated, Maumoon said that he does not intend to send anymore letters “no matter who requests to do so”.

The former President said that the people do not have to beg a government to protect their rights, adding that it is a government’s responsibility to do so, and to work for the people’s benefit and betterment.

President Yameen had, on April 27, claimed that he will bring the necessary changes to the Constitution to free former President Mohamed Nasheed - sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment and living in exile in the United Kingdom - and other “political prisoners”, including former defence minister Mohamed Nazim and Adhaalath Party Leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla.

Opposition leaders; Maumoon, Nasheed and Imran, along with Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim - who is also currently under police custody - formed a coalition back in March, agreeing to work together to reform government.

President Yameen asked the said leaders to send in separate letters to him, seeking to amend the Constitution to pave a way to free Nasheed, adding that he is willing to do so.

READ MORE: Will amend Constitution to free Nasheed if opposition leaders request so: President

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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