K. Male'
19 Apr 2017 | Wed 22:18
MMPRC embezzlement
Will release report this month, date not set: ACC
US$ 65.01 million transferred to private accounts
US$ 6.15 million as loans to private companies
Receipts issued for US$ 79.61

Anti- Corruption Commission (ACC) has once again repeated that they will release the report on the embezzlement of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC).

Auditor General’s report on the MVR 1.22 billion embezzlement showed that the Corporation was the focus of the operation. Analysts say the amount is definitely more than that.

Speaking to Raajje.mv, ACC media official said that the report will be released this month, as mentioned previously. However, no definitive date was given for the publication.

ACC President Hassan Luthfee also said the same thing in the ceremony held to launch the Commission’s annual report last month. He also made the same statement back in 2015.

The earnings from the sale and lease of resorts were funneled through MMPRC accounts and deposited to accounts of private individuals. As such, US$ 65.01 million was transferred in this manner, while an additional US$ 6.31 million was taken reportedly for dollar sales.

MMPRC also released US$ 6.15 million as loans and US$ 1.90 million leased without stating any purpose.

A total of 59 properties were released via MMPRC for development as tourist resorts, hotels and yatch marinas. Fifty-three out of this were released under an agreement made with Ministry and MMPRC.

A total of US$ 98.86 million should be received from these transactions as acquisition costs. Receipts were recorded for US$ 79.61 million only.

US$ 65.01 million was deposited to accounts of private individuals while only US$ 12.50 million was deposited to MMPRC accounts and an additional US$ 300,000 was received by MIRA. The Audit report notes that US$ 1.80 million in cheques were not deposited, in spite of MMPRC saying that the amount was deposited.

Both opposition and civil society organizations had expressed concern over the delay in the publication of the report. However, ACC said the report was delayed due to Al Jazeera expose, “Stealing Paradise”, which had raised more key points for investigation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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