K. Male'
19 Apr 2017 | Wed 04:46
Raudha Athif Buried
Raudha Athif Buried
Raudha’s death
Court authorizes second autopsy on Raudha
Not necessary to exhume her body: Dr. Athif
Room to suspect her death was a murder
Police believe first autopsy was incorrect

Rajshahi Metropolitan Magistrate Court has authorized a second autopsy on Raudha Athif.

Raudha’s father, Dr. Mohamed Athif had confirmed the authorization, but added that it did not mean that an exhumation was necessary.

He said that exhumation will be decided on by a Board, who will take into account the level of decomposition and the level of necessity.

Dr. Athif added that the family did not contest an exhumation as the authorities may view this as grounds to conclude the investigation. He added that an autopsy can be carried out by using internal sciences and existing samples taken from her body.

He said murder can be determined by using physical evidence seen from the body, which had been clearly documented by photographs. Dr. Athif added that Court had reached the decision for a second autopsy as the documented photographs showed reasonable grounds for a murder rather than a suicide.

He noted that authorities at Raudha’s college had prematurely arrived at the suicide conclusion without the benefit of an autopsy or an investigation. He said the initial report did not include forensic and technical details and did not match the observations made by the family.

READ MORE: Do not want to exhume Raudha’s body: family

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Muhsin
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