K. Male'
20 Aug 2020 | Thu 11:59
A school in the capital
A school in the capital
Ministry of Education
Reopening of schools
School closures extended by two weeks
All schools across the country were closed following the Covid-19 pandemic, in March
Decision to be reconsidered after reviewing the country’s situation after this period
Education ministry made the decision after counsel from HPA and relevant institutions

Schools in the capital will remain closed for the next weeks, as part of the efforts to control the spread of Covid-19.

Ministry of Education via Twitter on Wednesday said that the decision to keep schools in Malé City closed is as per the counsel from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and other relevant institutions.

As such, all schools in the city will remain closed from 23 August to 3 September and the ministry said that the decision will be reconsidered after reviewing the country’s situation after this period.

While all schools across the country were closed following the Covid-19 pandemic in March, they were reopened in Covid-19 free islands during the third phase of the lockdown ease plan in July.

In the capital, only grades nine to 12 commenced and online lessons were provided for lower grades.

While schools were set to reopen on August 9 after the mid-term break and Eid holidays, the government decided to extend the closure due to a surge in Covid-19 cases.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Simaha Naseem
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