K. Male'
03 Jul 2020 | Fri 18:05
Jumayyil Nimal has starred in a lot of Dark Rain Entertainment productions
Jumayyil Nimal has starred in a lot of Dark Rain Entertainment productions
Sexual assault allegations
Maldivian actor accused of rape, dropped from all pending projects
The last production featuring the actor was already in line to be screened, when victim confessions surfaced
The company will "always remain in support of all survivors of sexual abuse and rape”

Maldivian production company Dark Rain Entertainment has removed movie star Jumayyil Nimal from all pending projects.

The production group released a statement on Friday, after public outcry sparked following a number of sexual assault allegations on the son of famous Maldivian actor, Ahmed Nimal.

Dark Rain Entertainment expressed “shock” in learning of the rape and sexual abuse allegations pinned on the actor, who has featured in a number of productions by the company.

As such, the company noted that it only became aware of these accusation after the social media reports took the nation by storm, in light of which Dark Rain Entertainment “unequivocally decided” to remove Jumayyil from all pending projects.

The last production featuring the actor was already in line to be screened, when victim confessions surfaced, said the production group.

Highlighting that the company does not tolerate any acts or ideas contributing to sexual abuse and rape, Dark Rain Entertainment asserted that they will “always remain in support of all survivors of sexual abuse and rape.”

On Thursday, the Prosecutor General’s Office revealed that charges were not raised against the actor, citing insufficient evidence.

However, the Prosecutor General, Hussain Shameem has since stated that the decision will be reviewed.

Jumayyil was initially charged for being in possession of pornographic paraphernalia and it was rejected from court due to issues with the procedure.

Jumayyil is accused of abusing a minor, 16, during 2016. The victim, who also happens to be Jumayyil’s cousin, claimed that the encounter took place during 2016. The victim has also alleged that “major influence” played a role in the decision to not press charges against the actor back then, having stated that the matter was “shrugged under the rug” through influence.

The woman who took to social media with the accusations against the actor, has also claimed that the incident has left her traumatized and seeking treatment for severe depression and anxiety.

A recent increase in sexual assault cases has led to individuals nationwide coming forth with their stories on how they were victimized by perpetrators, who continue to roam the streets. This has the nation, shaken and people have been calling on the government to bring perpetrators infront of justice.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Simaha Naseem
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