K. Male'
26 May 2020 | Tue 22:06
Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital
Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital
Kulhudhuhfushi Online
Mysterious deaths
Four-year-old dies mysteriously in Kulhudhuffushi
She was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital on Tuesday evening
Cause of death unknown
Samples taken for Covid-19 testing

A four-year-old girl has died mysteriously in Kulhudhuffushi island of Haa Dhaal atoll.

Manager at the Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital, Ahmed Daood, told RaajjeMV that the child was brought there at around 4:30pm on Tuesday.

Noting that she was pronounced dead on arrival, Daood said that the cause is still unknown.

However, the hospital manager said that her samples were taken for Covid-19 testing as per protocol despite the island not having seen any confirmed cases thus far. While testing can only be done in the capital, the samples will reach the city on Tuesday night.

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