K. Male'
15 May 2020 | Fri 05:22
The Vilivaru quarantine facility was developed by Fenaka Corporation’s ‘recreation club’
The Vilivaru quarantine facility was developed by Fenaka Corporation’s ‘recreation club’
Vilivaru quarantine facility
Villivaru quarantine facility completed in time for reopening
The Vilivaru quarantine facility was developed by Fenaka Corporation’s ‘recreation club’
Fenaka on Thursday announced that work on the facility has completed
The reconstructed facility is set to reopen on May 17

Villivaru quarantine facility has been completed.

The facility was completed by Fenaka Corporation’s ‘recreation club’, who on Thursday announced that work on the facility has been completed.

Tourism Minister Ali Waheed had previously stated that Villivaru quarantine facility will reopen on May 17, with and increased capacity of 200 beds.

He also said that officials from the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) as well media personnel will be given the opportunity to inspect the facility on May 16.

The Villivaru facility was initially opened on March 6, with a 30-room capacity. However, it was closed for renovation after a technical issue.

The facility has since been allocated specifically for foreigners who contract the Covid-19 disease.

There was controversy after photos and videos leaked on social media showed expatriate workers who were moved there kept in inadequate shelters. The government later apologized for the farce, and assured that they wont repeat the same mistake again.

Extensive work is being undertaken by the relevant authorities to move and isolate expatriate workers who are deemed as being high-risk to contract and spread the disease.

This is mainly down to the fact that most of these expatriates live in unhygienic and congested shelters in the capital Male'.

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