75 doctors and 300 nurses from Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) will be transferred to Tree Top Hospital to be active on the frontlines of the Covid-19 response efforts during its peak days.
Joining the National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC)’s press briefing on Saturday afternoon, the Director of Medical Services at IGMH, Dr. Ali Nazeem revealed that the private-owned Tree Top Hospital established in Hulhumalé has been assigned the “Primary National Covid-19 Treatment Center” under a Memorandum of Understanding. This was done on April 26.
In light of this, a team of 75 doctors and 300 nurses will be transferred from the state-run hospital to Tree Top, in order to strengthen the Covid-19 response treatment, during the virus’s peak period.
The hospital’s CEO, David Feinberg also revealed that arrangements have been organized to treat 45 patients at once.
Tree Top has passed a board resolution to give the establishment for state use during a time the Covid-19 pandemic is sweeping across the country at an alarming rate.
The first Covid-19 patient admitted at Tree Top, was transferred to the hospital on May 6.