K. Male'
03 Apr 2017 | Mon 12:29
Ibrahim Mamnoon
Ibrahim Mamnoon
Ruling to Opposition
PPM Councillor defects to Maumoon faction, apologizes
Mamnoon announced his decision late Sunday night
He said he had remained in President Yameen’s faction for as long as he did “due to forced circumstances”
Maumoon has the support of PPM members: Mamnoon

Council member for South-Mahchangoalhi constituency Ibrahim Mamnoon has defected from President Abdulla Yameen’s faction of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) to the opposition.

He made the announcement late Sunday night, speaking to the press in front of Henveiru Themaa, the office of the party’s elected leader, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

The councillor said that he had remained in President Yameen’s faction for as long as he did “due to forced circumstances”. However, he did not elaborate further on the matter, saying he did not wish to do so.

He said that he will not be attending “Dharubaaru” faction meetings hereafter, and that he is committed to working along Maumoon, for government reform.

He added that the former President has the support of the PPM members in the Galolhu-South constituency.  

Mamnoon, who took part in the council meeting held to dismiss former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom from PPM - voting in favor of his dismissal - apologized to party members for doing so.

Zaidhul Ameen, councillor for Mid-Henveiru constituency is also from President Maumoon’s faction of the divided ruling party, and he remains in police custody over blackmail allegations, since January.

In addition to Mamnoon, MP for Gaaf Alif Villingilli constituency Saud Hussain defected to Maumoon’s faction on Sunday.

PPM has been divided in to the Maumoon and Yameen faction since June 2016, as the brothers continue to be involved in a public dispute over party leadership.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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