K. Male'
03 Apr 2017 | Mon 06:10
Presidents Office
Presidents Office
Azmoon Ahmed
Opposition movement
Opposition trying to get international media attention: President’s Office
Have not tried to make Govt. accountable
Police, judiciary independent

Government of Maldives has stated that the opposition was trying to get the attention of international media, rather than working for national progress.

A statement released by the President’s Office had denied the claims made by the opposition, stating that they had never tried to halt the work carried out by the opposition. The statement said that opposition Members of the Parliament had violated Parliament procedures in the vote on Parliament Speaker. The statement also said the “disruptive members were then called upon to leave the chamber to restore order and to allow for the free, fair and transparent vote to proceed”.

This is the first time President’s Office had released a statement over Parliament decisions.

The Government maintained that the allegations and investigations raised against Members of Parliament were based on legal evidence.

“Government reiterates that the judiciary and police in the Maldives are independent of government, or party, interference.”

“The opposition correctly stated that the police have prevented former President of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Maumoon Abdul Gayoom from speaking in the party’s name. The former President is no longer a member of the PPM – there are legal, as well as administrative, facts that speak to this – and as such he cannot legally speak for PPM.”

International Spokesperson Ibrahim Hussain Shihab called on the opposition to become more accountable and responsible when representing the nation, citizens and democracy. He also said the Government will always welcome all efforts to hold the Government accountable and responsible.

“However, it seems that the opposition is more interested in stunts to gain recognition and airtime in the international media. Such actions feel irresponsible and damaging to the state and its institutions – it further fosters falsehoods made about the policies, laws, rules and procedures of our nation. Reality and fact continue to be distorted to the detriment of the people of the Maldives,” he said.

The statement came amid crackdowns on senior opposition including former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and his faction of ruling PPM.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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