K. Male'
31 Mar 2017 | Fri 17:42
(L-R): AP's Anaara Naseem, MDP's Ibrahim Solih, PPM's Faris Maumoon, JP's Abdulla Riyaz at a press conference on 30th March, 2017
(L-R): AP's Anaara Naseem, MDP's Ibrahim Solih, PPM's Faris Maumoon, JP's Abdulla Riyaz at a press conference on 30th March, 2017
Opposition Alliance
Opposition parties condemn new wave of harassment
The opposition condemned the ‘intimidation and harassment against opposition leaders’
The statement cites several police summons and legal proceedings against senior members of the parties
The joint-statement was issued by MDP, JP, AP, and PPM's faction loyal to former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom

Opposition efforts have startled President Abdulla Yameen enough for him to initiate a campaign of ‘intimidation and harassment against opposition leaders’, a joint-statement said. 

A statement from the Jumhooree Party (JP), Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Adhaalath Party (AP), and the divided Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) released on Thursday night condemned said harassment. 

“This week’s crackdown appears to be an attempt by the President to effectively criminalise the political opposition and thwart any attempts by the parliament to hold the President and his regime accountable” the statement said. 

The statement cites several police summons and legal proceedings against senior members of the parties ahead of and after the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh. 

The statement also said that Monday’s vote on the motion proved dwindling support for President Yameen, and added that Maseeh only survived the vote because of ‘irregularities’ during the sitting. 

In this regard, the statement talks of the new terrorism charges against former President Mohamed Nasheed, allegations of bribery and intimidation against JP leader Qasim Ibrahim, the expulsion of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom from PPM – a party he founded – and charges against Maumoon’s son, Faris Maumoon, who had spearheaded the motion against Masheed. 

“Maldivians must see this renewed crackdown for what it is: a test for democracy. We must remain steadfast in supporting each other. We will remain steadfast until we set the country on the path to democracy” the statement reported MP Faris Maumoon to have said. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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