K. Male'
31 Mar 2017 | Fri 16:04
Defence Minister Adam Shareef in a meeting with officers of the MNDF
Defence Minister Adam Shareef in a meeting with officers of the MNDF
Mohamed Fazeen
Soldier Vote-Block
Soldier vote barring is 'insane': MP Abdul Ghafoor Moosa
MP Abdul Ghafoor Moosa has pledged his dedication to ousting the proposal to bar servicemen and women from voting
Moosa said any government that believes the people would accept such an unconstitutional proposition is ‘insane’
MDP has already officially announced its decision to see the proposal ousted when it enters parliament

Opposition-aligned MP Abdul Ghafoor Moosa has pledged his dedication to ousting the proposal to bar servicemen and women from voting. 

MP Moosa, who had previously been in the military himself, said the right to vote is clearly guaranteed to every Maldivian citizen and to impose otherwise is unlawful.

At a rally held in Kunooz, the opposition Jumhooree Party’s main gathering site, Moosa said any government that believes the people would accept such an unconstitutional proposition is ‘insane’. 

“Soldiers and policing officers, be sure that you will always have your right to vote” he said “There will be no respect to any imposition that says otherwise”.

The Defence Minister had late February expressed intentions to have the Armed Forces Act amended so as to disallow soldiers from voting, citing a need to distance the armed-forces from political influence – a decision the government says is revered by soldiers. 

This proposal would need to enter parliament and pass with a two-thirds majority for it to amend the law on armed-forces.

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has already officially announced its decision to see the proposal ousted when it enters parliament. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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