K. Male'
13 Apr 2020 | Mon 17:31
ECM members
ECM members
Yoosuf Sofwan Rasheed
Council elections delayed indefinitely
This follows the extension of the State of Public Health Emergency
ECM announced the decision to delay the elections on 12 March, the same day the State of Public Health Emergency was declared
With this being said, the ministry’s orders clearly state that the current circumstances do not pave way for the elections to be held

At a time fears of the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, sweeping across the globe at a fast-rate have been increasing in the Maldives as well, the Elections Commission of the Maldives (ECM) has delayed the Local Council Elections and Women’s Development Committee Elections 2020, indefinitely.

This was revealed via an announcement by the commission on Monday.

As such, the statement reads that the decision was reached after the decision to extend the state of public health emergency to April 30.

Further, the statement highlights that the commission’s responsibilities and powers include “conducting, managing, supervising and facilitating all elections and public referendums to ensure the proper exercise of the right to vote and ensure that all elections are public referendums are conducted freely and fairly without intimidation, aggression, undue influence or corruption” as stated in section (a) of article 170 of the Maldives constitution.

The commission noted that the current circumstances do not pave way for the elections to be held, with the state of public health emergency in effect.

In conclusion, the statement reads that the commission will be announcing additional decisions in connection to the Local Council and Women’s Development Committee Elections 2020, once the State of Public Health Emergency is lifted, or when the situation simmers down, or as soon as a legal solution to the matter is reached.

EC announced the decision to delay the elections on 12 March, the same day the state of public health emergency was declared.

Elections were initially scheduled for 4 April, however, it was delayed until 18 April amid Covid-19 fears.

The People's Majlis is currently working on a special bill regarding the elections, which states that voting should be held by 6 January 2021.

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