K. Male'
28 Mar 2017 | Tue 22:40
Chief of Defence Major General Ahmed Shiyam
Chief of Defence Major General Ahmed Shiyam
Defence Chief can enter Majlis 'whenever', says MNDF
MNDF’s response comes a day after reports surfaced that the Chief had been at the parliament building on the eve of the no-confidence vote against speaker
MNDF noted that ensuring parliament security is its 'responsibility'

Ministry of Defence and National Security (MNDF) has said that the Chief of Defence has the power to enter the parliament building ‘whenever he wants’.

MNDF’s response comes a day after reports surfaced that Major General Ahmed Shiyam had been at the parliament building late Sunday night, the night before the no-confidence vote against speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed.

READ MORE: Defence Chief goes to parliament office late Sunday night

A statement released by MNDF noted that ensuring parliament security is its "responsibility."

Article 105 (a) of the Maldivian Constitution states that ‘the People’s Majlis, all property attached thereto and all offices and facilities where its work is conducted shall be protected by the security services of the State,’ while (b) states that ‘the security services of the State shall ensure the protection and safety of all members of the People’s Majlis’.

It added that the Chief of Defence has the power to plan and monitor the security forces’ day to day operation, according to Article 11 of the Armed forces act.

Article 11 states that the Chief of Defence Force ‘shall be the commander of the Armed forces and is the senior most person in charge of the organization and operation of all matter relating to the defence of the Republic of Maldives and all matter relating to the organization an operation of the Armed forces in carrying out their day to day duties and administration’.

We would like to inform the loving people of the Maldives that rumors circulating around social media regarding the Chief of Defence are baseless”, said MNDF.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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